The Female Comedic Monologue

The Female Comedic Monologue

This inequality of representation has resulted in a lack of understanding of women’s stories and perspectives. It has allowed the voices of men to dominate the narrative and proclaim what is true for women. It has produced a significant number of shallow, one-dimensional female characters for aspiring and professional actresses to vie for. Women have so few opportunities to exercise their range and ability in comparison to men, and the material available to them is a significant root cause.

Ending the Cycle of Hatred

Ending the Cycle of Hatred

I never thought that I would be someone who worried about her weight or size all the time, but that is who I have become. Every day, I look sideways in the mirror, at how my stomach pours out over my pants, at how my fat rolls as I move, at all of the extra me that I wish wasn’t there. I have grown so uncomfortable in my body, I wish I could just push the reset button – to go back to when I was 12 and I still loved my body. When I didn’t care about how I dressed or what I looked like to other people. But I don’t know how to end this cycle of hatred.