Anne Bonny


When you take on other characters
You risk losing yourself.
You worry:
When you take on other characters
You risk losing yourself.
You worry:
Will I adopt their ugliness?
Will I shine too brightly?
I’m used to feeling plain,
So why should I feel
And freedom in my body?
What if I lose control?
What if?
Would that be the end of it all?
Or would it open new realms
Of possibility,
Ways of being,
Of inhabiting the world?
What if you could set your
By throwing caution to the wind,
By turning off your “internal editor,”
By daring to be bigger than your
Own small sphere of existence?
Acting is empathizing
With another’s plight;
It’s taking on their story
And living it fully –
In all its messiness,
And Glory.
We don’t live to be nice
And look nice all the time;
We live for experiences,
And love.
We live for the complexity
That each day holds –
Shouldn’t our characters carry this capacity, too?
To live is to take a risk
Every day of your life
To be better than you were
The day before.
To grow up
And into yourself;
To learn
About yourself and the world;
To deepen
Your connections
And tune into the collective pulse
That breathes life
Into every being
On the planet.

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